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Friday 6 September 2024

Yonah Vs Avram

On Rosh Hashana (the Jewish new year, coming soon) and Yom Kippur  (the day of atonement, shortly after) we read the 
stories of Yonah (Jonah) and the birth of Isaac. While swimming this morning I was thinking about Yonah and the other famous story about Avram (as he was then): "Lech L'cha", which is often translated as "Arise and go".

Through it, we learn about the necessity for every Jew to emulate the founding father in having the courage to "leave your land, your family and the house of your father" if that's what it takes to stand tall as a Jew, an ivri ("other").

As with all things Jewish, such iconoclasm is easier said than done and remains a lifelong challenge, even for those who have "made aliyah" and physically relocated to Israel. That's because lech l'cha can also be translated as "go into yourself", signalling that Judaism is a journey of spiritual growth as much or indeed more than it is a story of physical wanderings.

Monday 10 May 2021

The time-traveller's rabbi

About a year before the pandemic I began seeing the number 613 everywhere. Usually it was when I looked at the time (occasionally "18:13") or at the stock market. But it would pop up all over the place, from websites to Kindle books to grocery receipts. Never in my life had I noticed those numbers in such an intense way, other than my awareness of them as pertaining to the 613 mitzvot (commandments) forming the foundations of Judaism since Mount Sinai, some 3333 years ago.

Tuesday 21 July 2020

Sounds of silence

Sh'ma! Ear oh Israel. Listen to your body and understand. No, don't listen, there is no understanding. Don't hear that rage-ringing torrent deep inside your desecrated temple. Curse of Titus. Is God talking to you, like young Shmu'el. Yisrael. He who struggles with God at night and through the night. Is this a New Age therapy world or testament to old time religion. Altneuland. Let me brainstorm the rain storm in my brain stem. The bells, the belz, the beliefs. Invaded inner sanctum. Screeching siren voices. Unholy whisperings. No cause for alarm, no need to suffer unsilence. It's just tinnitus. Sh'ma Yisrael, emunai elokeinu, emunai achad.

Saturday 14 January 2017


Published last year. The American author, Alex Cuadros, arrived in Brazil just before me (in July 2010) and his impressions are very much in line with my own. Basically, he also saw through the hype about "booming Brazil" and he questions whether Brazil will ever escape from its deeply dysfunctional roots.

A quick-read version of the book is here and here is the author being interviewed.

Tuesday 5 January 2016

Disorder and regress

It is almost five years since I wrote the first entry on this blog, titled "Order and Progress" in what became a very sceptical view of Brazil and it's supposedly booming economy. Going against the grain is always uncomfortable because, after all, why should one individual know more than a vast sea of individuals, all charging in the opposite direction?

Thursday 18 June 2015

A tomb of one's own

I was arrested the other night. Man and woman police officer came to my home, small element of surprise as they snuck into the building without pressing the intercom. No handcuffs, thankfully, after they decided I wasn't a flight risk. Allegations of assault. Domestic. Driven by two other officers to local station. Bureaucracy. Digital fingerprints, palm prints, mug shots, DNA swabs. Belt removed, shoelaces removed, phone removed.

Sunday 24 May 2015

UnReal !

How unlucky was I to be living in Brazil, relying on UK savings, while the Brazilian Real was at its strongest ever ? Almost as soon as I left in August 2011 the currency began falling again, and just look at it today ! To think how much further my money would have gone if I'd had today's exchange rate ...