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Thursday, 29 September 2011

Hayom harat olam

... or in English: "Today is the birthday of the world", aka Jewish New Year, aka Rosh Hashana 5772. It's also your first birthday, Sam. The weather here in Oxford was perfect, and so were you. In recent days you've been walking, saying "mama" and charming everyone as usual.

Happy First Birthday, son.

And happy new year for this year and every year to come.

Sunday, 18 September 2011

End of the beginning

Three and a half weeks back in Britain and my son now has a British passport to add to his Brazilian one. None of us expected it to come so quickly or easily, such was the confusion and gloom over his status. Now we will try to make a life here and my ten months in Brazil will, I imagine, become just another travel adventure rather than a potential life sentence.

Thursday, 8 September 2011

Unpaved memory lane

An article in the current issue of Folha de Sao Paulo talks about this blog's old bugbear: stone-age sidewalks in Sao Paulo.

Keep blogging and carry on

The devil has all the best tunes; paradise is boring. We've been back in Blighty for a fortnight now and my mood and blogging continue to be inversely correlated: unhappy equals more blogging, and vice versa. As I wrote in my recent post, life here feels so much sweeter after the bitterness of Sao Paulo. I'd like to write a national newspaper article telling downbeat Brits that despite all the doom and gloom, "You've never had it so good!" "Bankrupt Britain" is still light years ahead of "Booming Brazil". As a shopper, I'm overwhelmed by choice, quality and value. Where's all this crazy food inflation everyone keeps talking about ? It must have flown south across the Atlantic.