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Thursday, 7 February 2013

My beef with "meat" !

Alt. titles: So hungry I could eat a horse .. Don't ask, don't tell.
Growing up in Britain as a sort-of-kosher Jewish person I would often ask hot dog sellers: what kind of sausage is it ? Ditto with pies or stews or any other form of non-distinct carnivorous fayre. And invariably they would reply: "It's meat", as if I was a moron. Unfailingly, this "meat' turned out to be pork and thus off my menu. It was a revelation, arriving years later in New York, to find that their sausage "meat" usually turned out to be not just beef but also kosher.

Fry me to the moon

Just watched a charming Wikipedia promo video, showing some of the multinational good eggs who volunteer their efforts to keep it running. As one of the small contributors to Wiki's latest appeal, I salute their work.

But I also couldn't help noticing the stark contrast between the voice of the New Jersey woman and the voices of the other women from places like Poland, India, Italy, Russia, Uzbekistan, Malaysia and Iraq. All except Miss New Jersey had pleasant voices. The US young female, however, suffered from what's known as "vocal fry", although I keep calling it "vocal croak". It's a way for mostly young, deluded females to sound what they imagine to be sophisticated, worldly and / or businesslike. The result is aural torture.