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Monday, 30 May 2011

More weather woes

The mosquitoes seem to have gone, finally. But as we enter June our flat has turned icy cold, helped by non-existent insulation around ill-fitting old windows. We have no running hot water, apart from the electric shower (normal in Brazil for non-rich), no central heating (normal in Brazil for everyone I think) and, so far at least, no portable electric heaters. While the UK worries about a possible summer drought, I and my son spend the day, let alone the night, dressed in our warmest clothes. I'm convinced that our flat is, much of the time, actually colder than the street outside.


  1. My old solution though rather dangerous involved leaving the oven on with the door open. The problem was each double window had 2 shutters but only 1 pane of glass! So there was no way to really keep the cold out. Moreover Brazil doesn't appear to be well acquainted with duvets and despite 3 months of cold each year they pretend to themselves that they don't really need coats, radiators, windows etc etc. If you think it's cold now, wait till July!


  2. Thanks Jon, can't wait !

  3. So confusing: it's winter in our flat and summer outside !

    Just now it has been raining for the first time in quite a while. Unusual not to have rain in SP.
