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Sunday, 17 July 2011

Horse play

Went to a fun gathering on a horse farm outside Sao Paulo last night. Thankfully given lifts both ways. Am still struggling to get my head round the long journies people here make as part and parcel of daily life. Our first stop was in Alphaville, where our lovely friends Andrea and Daniela have a family home.

I mentioned Alphaville on a previous blog post, in the context of a museum exhibit which mocked this entire SP suburb created as a gated community. It was certainly strange as we arrived at the multi-lane security checkpoint, like going through a motorway tollbooth or security barrier outside an airport. But once inside you have a feeling of being in a carefree suburban landscape. In Argentina they call these "country clubs". And of course the phrase "gated community" comes from the US. I suppose little by little these kind of private security arrangements are becoming more normal to me. If you have a choice between danger or safety, you tend to act first and think later. Perhaps these large-scale gated communities are a global growth industry ? Sad but true as the world returns to being a less equal place.

Once out of SP and into the horse farm, it was too dark to appreciate the bucolic beauty. But the warmth of the party and people was enough. Instead of karaoke, we had what they call here a "sarau", meaning more of a good old-fashioned get together and singalong. Would-be rockstars provided live music, albeit with some unfamiliar English lyrics (The Beatles was a favourite). Meanwhile, the horses looked on and seemed to view it all with equine-imity. (Now that the News of the World is no more, we must all do our bit for groan-inducing tabloid puns!)

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