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Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Visual dissonance, Brazilian-style

After the bizarre sight of a barely pubescent Egyptian boy showing infinitely more maturity than his political elders, now we have an attractive young Brazilian woman smashing stereotypes and decrying her country's economic recklessness, as exemplified by the upcoming 2014 World Cup.


  1. I notice she personally seems to have bailed out some time ago judging by her accent. I also understand that much of the monies spent on the stadiums was provided by sponsors and wouldn't otherwise have been available. That's the Brazilian government's main excuse - perhaps a good investigative journalist can discover the extent to which that is true....

  2. $30bn mostly provided by sponsors ?!

  3. The government claimed a mix of FIFA handouts, sponsorship and other monies which didn't come from the Brazilian government were funding the stadia construction. It didn't make much sense to me either but then when there's mass riots politicians tend to say anything to calm the masses...if you look up Dilmas explanation that my expand on my dodgy recollection of her dodgy explanation!
